Arizona Summits

One of the greatest achievements climbing offers is the chance to stand on an otherwise inaccessible peak. Arizona is unique in that it offers some of very attainable yet highly impressive summits such as Mt. Lemmon’s iconic Finger Rock, Deadman Peak in the rugged Pinaleños Mountains or the brilliant granite dome of the Sheepshead in Cochise Stronghold. Summits that despite appearances, can be reached by climbers with a basic skillset and fitness. At Arizona Climbing Guides nothing gives us more pleasure than sharing an incredible view and the partnership building experience of a reaching well-earned summit. 

If you have a background in single-pitch climbing and would like take to the mountains, we can help you take that next step. If you’ve never climbed before and have dreamed of standing on an island perch, high off the ground we can mentor you along the path to achieve those goals.

Climb Arizona Summits

Advancing one’s climbing to the mountains is built on a foundation of climbing and rope-work skills. We have a firm belief that there are no ways to shortcut this path and in order to give our clients the best experience possible, we assess and work with their abilities to guide them along this journey. It’s recommended that newer climbers take a rock instruction course with us to develop the skills to competently take on one of these rewarding experiences. 

If you are interested in taking the challenge of summiting an Arizona peak, please contact us for a consultation on where you’re at in your climbing and how we can help get you to that summit.